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Friday, July 9, 2010

Angular Stomatitis Causes

Knowing Angular Stomatitis Causes to Know Susceptible People

People who have developed cracked corners of the mouth do not have any choice but to succumb to the limitations and embarrassment that many other sufferers of the disease have been subjected to. Many people go through this affliction especially during times when it is too hot or too cold for the body to handle. If you think you are sensitive enough to temperature changes, you should know these Angular Stomatitis causes so that you would be able to decide what you can do for you to avoid it.

The information on these Angular Stomatitis causes would also tell you the some valuable insights on which type of people are prone to developing Angular Cheilitis.
1. Ill-fitting dentures. You may ask how dentures could mean harm to you when they are supposed to correct your teeth. If dentures are not worn properly, they would leave distressing sores on the corners of your mouth. These folds would serve as the place where bacteria and fungi would multiply.

2. Weak immune system. Winter plus a weak immune system would result to a certainly vulnerable state. This is one of the Angular Stomatitis causes that would blame chillier temperature as the culprit in allowing bacteria to penetrate the immune system. When it is especially cold, this would tend to shut your immunological system down, making you vulnerable.

3. Sudden gain weight. When you gain weight, your face and even your mouth would have folds which used to be absent from the place. These folds could start off as the nest for those bacteria and fungi which are pointed as lethal Angular Stomatitis causes.
Understanding who are susceptible to Angular Stomatitis would mean that you should do everything for you to avoid being under any of these categories cited above. This could be your only way to prevent it.

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